Call for Nominations for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize


Please recommend a candidate for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize.​

The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee will receive recommendations from March to May 2019 for candidates for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize.
Under the peace vision of the "One Family of All Humans," the Sunhak Peace Prize takes "human rights respect," "conflict" and "ecosystemic conservation" as the three symbols of peace, and the winner is selected every other year and receives US$1 million in prize money and medals.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon founded the Sunhak Peace Prize to continue the legacy and vision of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon who founded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and who dedicated his life to the promotion of world peace, working beyond the boundaries of racem religion and state.
The inaugural award was given in 2015. The 4th Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony will take place in 2020, to honor the centenary of the birth of the founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
In particular, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Moon Sun-myung, which has called for Award Ceremony a year ahead of the schedule.
The Sunhak Peace Prize seeks to find a hidden leader who has devoted himself to world peace and to make it a model of the vision of peace for the whole family of mankind, so please give us a lot of attention and recommendation. 

Criteria for candidacy
▲individual or organization that has contributed to the Sunhak Peace Prize’s missions.
▲Individual or organization that has positively influenced to diverse nations, races, religions and cultures for the sake of peace
▲In the case of individuals, the nominees in question must be presently alive. 

The documents for submission
▲ recommendation letters (in a format)
▲ the evidence of the candidate’s achievements in relation to the nomination

The application for recommendation letters
▲Application period : March 2019 – May 2019
▲Reception: 8th F. Dowon Bldg. 34 Mapo-daero Mapo-gu, Seoul, S. Korea 04174
E-mail: / Tel: 02-3278-5160  / Fax: 02-3278-5198
▲Official Nomination Form –  Introductory Brochure ,  the 4th Nomination Form

Official Announcement and Award Ceremony
▲ Official Announcement : October 2019, Sunhak Peace Prize home page
▲ Award Ceremony : February 2020, Seoul

※Recommendation for candidates may be done by e-mail or offline by postal mail.
※Please send information of candidate’s achievements along with sources.
※Documents received will not be returned. For all important documents and supporting source material, please submit copies rather than the originals.
※The recommender may nominate one individual or group per person.

Sunhak Peace Prize

#Peace comes through concrete action, not just having a vague dream.

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