How dare you?

A bold girl chastised world leaders in a strong tone at the 2019 United Nations Climate Action Summit. This is Greta Thunberg, who has now become an icon of the global environmental movement.
Why the petite girl rebuked the movers and shakers
In the summer of 2018, the first record-breaking heat wave in 262 years and a series of natural disasters served as a strong warning from nature to humans.

Source: Yonhap News)
However, the politicians who must address this issue were lukewarm about urgently needed action, only paying lip service to the looming crisis of climate change. So a young Swedish girl took to the streets holding a small placard.
‘School Strike for Climate’

Every Friday, instead of going to school, Thunberg picketed in front of the Capitol.
“Act now for climate change!”
This girl couldn’t sit still in school because climate change is threatening human survival at a frightening rate.
At first, not many people paid attention to the picketing girl.

But then people began to notice this little girl who protested in front of the Capitol every Friday without fail, and her lone picket spread to amass a green wave of 1 million people in 125 countries around the world.
Young people from around the world unite in front of the climate crisis
Thunberg’s like-minded young environmentalists formed a community that quickly spread into a worldwide youth movement.
‘Friday for future’ Action: strike (school, business) Goal: Moral pressure on climate policy makers Date: Friday, March 15, 2019 Where: Anywhere

On this day, 1 million young environmental activists from 125 countries around the world ran out of schools and companies and filled the streets with green waves.
“Don’t burn our future!”
“We do not have Planet B!”

The cries of those deprived of the rights of future generations have stirred up the whole earth.
Attending the United Nations Climate Action Summit as the Leader of Future Generations
Greta Thunberg, who led the global green wave, was invited to speak at the United Nations.
4,800 km from Sweden to USA
Instead of flying a plane that emits the most greenhouse gases per hour, they cross over to the US on a solar yacht.

Source: Twitter @GretaThunberg)
Standing at the United Nations conference hall, Thunberg, as the head of youth around the world, sternly rebukes the leaders of the nations responsible for global warming.
“You say you love your children the most, but you are stealing their future by not actively fighting climate change. How dare you!!”

The summit, embarrassed at Thunberg’s bold rebuke, was broadcast live around the world, and she drew attention as a contributor to accelerating climate policy.
Time Magazine Person of the Year
Forbes’ 100 Women of the Year
Nature’s 10 People of the Year
Four times Nobel Peace Prize nominee
“We chose Thunberg to raise awareness about humanity’s predatory relationship with its only home, the Earth.”
-The Times-

“Greta Thunberg”
Now this name has become a career path for young people. Everyone dreams of becoming the next Greta Thunberg and challenges climate action. Regardless of age, many people sympathize with global issues and are following the path of pioneers.

How to Avoid Climate Disaster: ‘Green Technology’ and ‘Good Policy’
And ‘Empathy for Climate Change’
Thunberg’s cry stands as a great achievement in informing people around the world about climate change in a short period of time.